Dear Vice Column, I'm 30 and haven't started saving for retirement. What should I do? I work as a home health aide and have been living paycheck to paycheck for years. I never thought about saving for retirement until recently, and now I'm worried I'm way behind. I fantasize about winning the lottery and spend my extra cash on lotto tickets and scratchers. I'm devastated when I don't win, and then start spiraling about my finances. - Lotto Loser Dear Lotto Loser, You're not alone in your worries about retirement savings. It's a common concern, and the fact that you're thinking about it now shows that you're already ahead of the game, with 35 years before the common retirement age of 65. While it may not be feasible for everyone, it's worth looking into opportunities for higher paying jobs within the healthcare industry. This could include working at a hospital or in a specialized field such as occupational or physical therapy. Pursuing addi...
Dear Vice Column, I'm a 24-year-old software developer who has just started my career and have $100,000 in student loan debt. I want to pay off my debt quickly but also want to save for a down payment on a house and a wedding. I'm not sure how to balance my competing financial goals and I don't even have a romantic partner, mostly because I live at home with my conservative parents. - Love-Struck Developer Dear Love-Struck Developer, It seems like you're feeling a bit stuck in terms of your finances. Don't worry, you're not alone! Many recent graduates face similar challenges, especially when it comes to balancing debt repayment and saving for the future. First things first: you should be proud of yourself for even considering how to prioritize your financial goals at such a young age. You're already ahead of the game! When it comes to balancing competing goals, it's important to remember that it's a marathon, not a sprint. You don't need to ac...